! WARNING: disorganized wall of text braindump incoming !

I love R. If you don’t know, R is a language and software for statistical computation & graphics. Coming hot out of graduate school with degrees in economics & finance, the FOSS language-du-jour for working with relational data was (and still is, to an extent) R, though the scope was usually fixed on using it for strictly statistical or ‘data science’ work. And for that, R is great. Instead of fudging around in MS Excel to line up your columns by hand, clicking through the Data Analysis Toolpak, and generating a separate boxy output of your statistical results, you can just type a few lines of R code to get the same results:

# Read your data in
df_0 <- read.csv("some_data.csv")
# Fit a linear model
fit <- lm(Sales ~ Region, data = df_0)
# Show results


I used R for tasks like this for a few years at most, at my first job out of school at a start-up in St. Louis. But in time, I would come to realize that ‘sweet machine learning’ stuff is nowhere near as valuable as having quality, reliable, automated data pipelines that actually feed those processes (if those processes don’t exist). The requests from our clients to instead provide complex ETL pipelines got louder and louder. So, I pivoted to doing more work in a space often called ‘data engineering’.

And I loved it. Being able to script out super complex transformation logic according to business rules is gratifying, exciting, and of incredibly high business value. And since we would do it, and not our clients, they basically threw money at us to take on the task.

But, I was so used to using R, which is statistical software. What was I supposed to do, drop everything I’d painstakingly learned about the (often cumbersome) language and pick up something else? “No way!”, I screamed internally. “I’m too stubborn to learn a new tool! Surely R can work fine for this, too?”

As it turns out, my stubborn self was rewarded immediately, because R is thankfully incredibly powerful as a tabular-data processing software; it’s designed to work with tables! But, R can be pretty slow, all things considered, when using the out-of-the-box libraries. And I’d often try to do something, and my latop’s RAM would fill up & brick my machine.

Around here is where I discovered the tidyverse of R packages. The bread and butter package from the tidyverse is called dplyr, which provides a suite of functionality that makes data processing not only fast, but in a syntax that is both elegant and expressive.

Take, for example, the act of subsetting a data frame (R’s table structure). In base R, it would look something like this:

df_2 <- df_1[df_1$Region == "North America", ]

Using dplyr, the same operation might look like this:

df_2 <- filter(df_1, Region == "North America")

Ok, whatever. “They look more or less the same, I guess”. But base R’s subsetting syntax can be much more alien to folks coming from another tool, like a SQL. What do those brackets even do? What’s the dollar sign for? Why is there a trailing comma and a space at the end of the bracket enclosure? With dplyr’s filter(), the plain English that it’s written in makes the intent of the code much clearer, whether you’re new to R, or new to programming at all.

But this is trivial. What if you wanted to subset the data to North America, only grab three columns, and aggregate by two of them? Base R might look like this:

df_2 <- df_1[df_1$Region == "North America", c("Sales_District", "Client", "Sales")]
df_3 <- aggregate(df_2$Sales, by = list(Sales_District = df_2$Sales_District, Client = df_2$Client), FUN = sum)

To some folks: ew.

Meanwhile, dplyr might look like this:

df_2 <- df_1 %>%
    filter(Region == "North America") %>%
    group_by(Sales_District, Client) %>%
    summarize(Sales = sum(Sales))

The pipe operator ‘%>%’ comes from the magrittr package in R, which is loaded along with dplyr and is read as: “take the output of the last thing, and use it as the first input in the next thing” (much like a Unix shell pipe). So, this whole block reads in plain English as: “make df_2 by taking df_1, filtering it to North America, group it by Sales District and Client, and give me the sum of the Sales for each group.” The results are the same as with base R, but it reads much easier.

Now, I could go on and on about dplyr and the rest of the tidyverse, but I’ll spare you; there’s plenty of material you can Google on all that. This is a story about how tools like these, pushed me towards what I do today.

Now, our small team had discovered the tidyverse, and we ran with it. All of our scripts to read, transform, export, and analyze our client data were fueled by coffee and dplyr. Our dplyr pipelines (like you saw above) got longer, and longer, until a single pipe block might span 100 lines itself! Look at us, we’re wizards!

But it was not to last. There wasn’t (and might still not be) support for introspection within a code block like that in R, so trying to debug any errors (or worse, bad code that didn’t throw errors) was incredibly tedious. Worse, things might not throw errors at all, but would spit out bad data that we wouldn’t catch until it was live in a client dashboard. We’d gone so hard in writing scripts under these paradigms that we didn’t know how to handle the consequences of our poor design. We were just being “script kiddies”; pasting in bits of Stack Overflow code that mysteriously worked, and other bad practices that made our work harder & harder to understand, least of all to ourselves.

That kind of workflow isn’t sustainable. Most developers understand this very early in their careers. But we didn’t consider ourselves “developers”; we were “data analysts”, after all. Why should software design best-practices matter to us?

As the tidyverse grew in popularity as a framework for R, the core team at RStudio themselves (who develop it) began to create resources around software development best-practices. Jenny Bryan (@jennybc), Hadley Wickham (@hadley), Garrett Grolemund (@statgarrett), Jim Hester (@jimhester), and others describe in detail the pitfalls of haphazardly applying R frameworks to otherwise good data software. We eventually stumbled across these readings (there are too many to link, but you can find the authors on Twitter & GitHub via those handles), but didn’t take immediated heed of their warnings. They’d given us the greatest set of tools we’d ever seen, and now we’re supposed to be careful? Surely there must be something wrong with our scripts, not our approach.

Then we hired Thom.

Thom used to work at Google. He’d been buried in software design of one of the largest and most successful software companies in the world. Thom swooned us during his interviews, submitted his code sample in an R Markdown document (instead of the Word doc we sent), and his words dripped gold. He was made an offer without any hesitation.

Thom took one look at our codebase, and almost quit! “Why isn’t any of this in packages? How do you run tests, validations, send to production?”

“…”, we replied.

Thom stuck around, though, and it was, without exaggeration, the turning point in my career and FOSS-development life. He introduced four new concepts to me that I came to love dearly:

  • R packages (which would extend to code packaging in general). Discovering not just that I could do something like package up my R code and functions, but that Hadley Wickham had written the excellent R Packages book was my first real introduction to modularity, reproducibility, and good software design. I always thought packages were just things I installed, too arcane for lowly lifeforms like myself to ever dabble in. I had no interest in publishing a package to CRAN (the main R package repo), so why bother? But packaging up your code in any language allows for all the same benefits: everything is composable from functions (or classes/methods) you write (not scripts), it’s inherently testable by the software’s build system, you can automate much more of your code’s behavior, and more.

  • Unit & functional tests. Hadley Wickham & team have written a user-friendly R package called testthat for testing expectations in R. We’d never tested anything in this way; we’d push data from our scripts, and check things ad-hoc in a Tableau dashboard that was eventually published for our clients. This was not only time-consuming, but incredibly error-prone. Once we started to test our code, we also started to test our business logic in the form of logged data validations. I loved this idea so much that I even wrote a CRAN package for just this, called loggit, if you want to check that out.

  • Documentation. Sure, we threw in some comments here & there when we thought we needed them, but I’m talking about real documentation: docblocks, READMEs via markdown, the whole gamut. R has an incredibly robust way to document its packages (it’s also very naggy), and it’s all made incredibly easy thanks to the package roxygen2. Good documentation was one of the most refreshing things I took away from all of this change.

  • Automation. We said to Thom: “well, we use Windows Task Scheduler to run our scripts, sure”. He groaned. That’s not what he meant. He meant everything I’ve outlined above. If some part of your workflow can’t be automated, then you should take a long, hard look at whether or not it should be part of your workflow at all.

I had the great pleasure of adopting these tenets into my work for about 6 months at that job, before I was approached by Slalom Consulting about a job opportunity. I’d become so taken by this newfound approach to my work & personal projects that I’d slammed out some GitHub repos and a ton of updates to my LinkedIn. I spent about two months interviewing with various people at Slalom, and the common question I posed in all those conversations was something like:

“I’m on a bit of a learning journey right now in my career. Will this job allow me to pursue all the things I don’t know about software? Will the people here help teach me these things? What does the company do to support people like me, who have discovered the drive to never stop learning?”

I got a job offer at the end of that two month period, and it’s been everything I could have dreamed of. I work with the smartest people, of all walks of life & fields of expertise, and they’re all just a Slack message away, always willing to help point you in the right direction, sit with you and explain something, or just ramble about what they think is cool. Thom gave me the fire; Slalom gave me the pine pitch to burn it hottest. I’ve learned so many things, across so many different software fields. I’ve learned about virtualization, Docker, bash, Unix tools, Python, Python’s Flask framework, JavaScript, nodejs, cloud providers, RBDMSes & what makes them different from each other, networking. And on and on and on.

And it will never stop. At this job or any other, I’ve become gripped by this unending hunger. I fall asleep reading documentation for GNU awk. I re-read the bash manual in transit. I read blog posts of opinions on web development bloat while on the toilet. I creep on Slack threads about the relative merits of Microsoft buying GitHub. And lately, I’ve gotten to share all this knowledge with others who are willing to listen, by way of Meetup groups, conferences, and workshops.

I’ve become a lifelong student of the craft of software. And that’s pretty neat.